The Right Way To Pray
1- Intention
The prophet (sallallaa
All actions are by intention,
Note: You shouldn't say the intention by mouth cause it is Innovation
Make it in your heart
2- Takbeer
The First step to enter the prayer is Takbeer .. the prophet peace be upon him used to say:
Allaahu Akbar
This means:
Allah is the greatest
Notes :
1- You should raise your hands with the takbeer. Look at the picture
2- Then you should place your right arm on you left arm and place it overy our chest.
3- You should place the right arm on the back of your left palm, wrist and forearm
4- Then you should incline your head during prayer and fix your sight towards the ground .... as the Prophet peace be upon him do....
5- Be careful: When you start to pray don't look at the sky because it is forbidden as the Prophet peace be upon him said :" People must refrain from looking up at the sky in prayer, or their sight will not return to them (and in one narration:
3- Opening Supplicati
The prophet (sallallaa
1-Subhana Kallah humma wabi hamdika watabara kasmuka wata 'ala jad-duka wala ilaha ghayruk
This means:
You are Glorified, O Allaah, and Praised; Your Name is Blessed; Your Majesty is Exalted, and none has the right to worshipped but You.
2-Allah humma ba'id baynee wa bayna khatayana kama ba'adta baynal mashriqi wal maghribi, Allah humma naq-qinee min khatayaya kama yunaq-qath thuwabul abyadu minad danasi , Allah hum maghsilnee min khatayaya bil maee wath thalji wal bardi
This means:
O Allaah! Separate me (far) from my sins as you have separated (far) the East and West. O Allaah! Cleanse me of my sins as white cloth is cleansed from dirt. O Allaah! Wash me of my sins with water, ice and snow.
4- Recitation of Suratul Fatiha:
A'uzu bil-llahi minash shayta nir-rajeem
This means:
I seek refuge with Allaah from the Evil One, the Rejected
Bisimllah hir-rahman nir-raheem
This means:
In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy
Alhamdu lil-lahi rab-bil 'alameen
This means:
Praise is only for Allah, Lord
Ar-Rahma nir-raheem
This means:
The Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy
Maliki yawmid-dee n
This means:
Master of the Day of Judgment
Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'een
This means:
You alone we worship and u to you alone we pray for help
Ihdinas siratal mostaqeem
This means:
Show us the straight way
Siratal lazeena an'amta 'alayhim ghayril maghdubi 'alayhim walad dal-leen
This means:
The way of those whom you have blessed .. Who have not desrved your anger, Nor gone astray
This means:
Oooh Allah please accept
1- The Prophet peace be upon him said : " No prayer is acceptable
2- In Zuhr and Asr you have to recite it quitly as Jaabir said : We used to recite behind the imaam in Zuhr and 'Asr: soorah al-Faatiha
4- Becarful :"The Prophet peace be upon him finished a prayer in which he was reciting loudly (in one narration:
4- Recitation
The Prophet (sallallaa
Let's take two examples of short Suras you can pray with the both every prayer till you learn another Sura's
Surat Al-Ikhlas (Number 112)
A'uzu bil-llahi minash shayta nir-rajeen
This means:
I seek refuge with Allaah from the Evil One, the Rejected
Bisimllah hir-rahman
This means:
In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy
Qul howa Allahu ahad
This means:
Say : he is Allah, the only one.
Allah hus-samad
This means:
Allah helps and does not need help
Lam yalid wa lam yulad
This means:
He does not produce a child, and he was not born of anyone
Walam yakul-lahu
This means:
There is no one equal to him
Surat An-Nas (Number 114)
Qul a'uzubi rab-bin nas
This means:
Say : I seek refuge in the Sustainer of Mankind
Malikin nas
This means:
The Owner of Mankind
Ila hin-nas
This means:
Lord of Mankind
Min shar-ril waswa sil khan-nas
This means:
From the evil of the sneaking whisperer
Allazi yuwaswisu fee sudu rin-nas
This means:
Who whispers in the hearts of Mankind
Minal jin-nati wan-nas
This means:
(Whether he be) from among jinns or mankind
1- You have to read Sura after the Fatiha only in the first two Rak'a in the Zuhr or Asr but in Fajr,Maghr ib and E'sha you just hear the Imam and you should't say it with him.
2- If you tried to memorize this two Suras but you failed .. then there is a permission to read Al-Fatiha only .. and in-Shaa-Al lah your prayer is right
2- If you tried to memorize this two Suras but you failed .. then there is a permission
6- Bowing (Rukoo')
After completing
Allaahu Akbar
This means:
Allah is the greatest
1- You should raise your hands with the takbeer. Look at the picture
2- Be careful: When you start to pray don't look at the sky because it is forbidden as the Prophet peace be upon him said :" People must refrain from looking up at the sky in prayer, or their sight will not return to them (and in one narration: or their sight will be plucked away)
2- Be careful: When you start to pray don't look at the sky because it is forbidden as the Prophet peace be upon him said :" People must refrain from looking up at the sky in prayer, or their sight will not return to them (and in one narration:
Then .. you make Ruku' and say :
Subhana Rabbi yal azim
This means:
How Perfect is my Lord, the Supreme!
Be careful:
The Prophet said : Verily, I have indeed been forbidden from reciting the Qur'aan in rukoo' or sujood. In the rukoo', therefore, glorify the Supremity of the Lord, Mighty and Sublime, in it; as for the sujood, exert yourselves in supplicati on in it, for it is most likely that you will be answered it is forbidden to read Quran in Rukoo' or Sujood
The Prophet said : Verily, I have indeed been forbidden from reciting the Qur'aan in rukoo' or sujood. In the rukoo', therefore,
7-Straight ening up from Rukoo':
The prophet (sallallaa
Sami' Allah hu liman hamidah
This means:
Allaah listens to the one who praises Him
Then .. while he is still standing he would say :
Rab-bana wa lakal hamd
This means:
Our Lord, to You be all Praise
When you Straighten ing up from Rukoo': you would raise your hands like what we discribed early in the Takbeer.
8-Prostrat ion (The sujud):
The prophet (sallallaa hu 'alaihi wa sallam) would say takbeer:
Allaahu Akbar
This means:
Allah is the greatest
& go down into sajdah saying :
Subhana Rabbi yal a'la
This means:
How Perfect is my Lord, the Most High
1- You should say Subhana Rabbi yal a'la three times on each Sujud .
2- The right postion of Sujud:
a)You would support yourself on your palms [and spread them]
b)put his fingers together
c)point them towards the qiblah
d)Make your nose touch the ground cause the prophet said : There is no prayer for the one whose nose does not feel as much of the ground as the forehead
e)Put your knees and toes down firmly and point with the front of the toes towards the qiblah and put your heels together and keep your feet upright.
f)These are the seven limbs on which he (sallallaa hu 'alaihi wa sallam) would prostrate: the palms, the knees, the feet, and the forehead and nose.
2- The right postion of Sujud:
a)You would support yourself on your palms [and spread them]
b)put his fingers together
c)point them towards the qiblah
d)Make your nose touch the ground cause the prophet said : There is no prayer for the one whose nose does not feel as much of the ground as the forehead
e)Put your knees and toes down firmly and point with the front of the toes towards the qiblah and put your heels together and keep your feet upright.
f)These are the seven limbs on which he (sallallaa
9-Rising from Sajdah:
The prophet (sallallaa hu 'alaihi wa sallam) would raise his head from prostratio n while saying :
Allaahu Akbar
This means:
Allah is the greatest
Then you will sit in a specific postition and say:
Rabb ighfirlee wa irhamnee
This means:
O my Lord! Forgive me, and have mercy on me
1- The right position of sitting down:
The Prophet peace be upon him would lay his left foot along the ground and sit on it [relaxed].
2- You should stay a while in this sitting, cause the prophet peace be upon would sit straight on his left foot, upright, until every bone returned to its position.
10-The second Sajdah:
The prophet (sallallaa hu 'alaihi wa sallam) would say takbeer:
Allaahu Akbar
This means:
Allah is the greatest
& go down into sajdah saying :
Subhana Rabbi yal a'la
This means:
How Perfect is my Lord, the Most High
11- The Second Rak'a:
The prophet (sallallaa
& then do all the steps which the prophet peace be upon him did in the first Rak'a
Note :
When you rise up from Sujud to the second Rak'a you can rise up supporting one self with hand
Note :
When you rise up from Sujud to the second Rak'a you can rise up supporting
12- The First Tashahud:
The prophet (sallallaa
At-Tahiy-y atu lil-lahi was-salawa tu wat-tay yibatu, As-Salamy 'alika ay-yuhan-n abiy-yu wa rahma tullahi wa barakatu, As salamu 'alayna wa 'ala 'ibadil-la his-salihe en , Ash hadu al la ilaha illal lahu, wa ash hadu an-na Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluh
This means:
All compliment s, all physical prayer , and all monetary worship are for Allah. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and Allah's mercy and blessings. Peace be on us and on all righteous slaves of Allah . I bear witness that no one is worthy of worship except Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him ) is his slave and Messenger.
1- What is the right sit position in The first Tashahud? : In the Fajr there is only one Tashahud so it there is no first or second Tashahud so in the first Tashahud on the other prayers and in Al-Fajr Tashahud you would sit as you are setting between the two sujud, but if you can't sit in this way you can sit in any way you can, but this is the way the prophet used to sit.
2-While reading : " Ash-hadu ..........
13- The Second Tashahud
The prophet (sallallaa
Allah humma sal-li 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala aali Muhammadin , Kama sal-layta 'ala Ibraheema wa 'ala aali ibraheema innaka hameedum majeed, wa barik 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala aali Muhammadin , Kama barakta 'ala Ibraheema wa 'ala aali ibraheema innaka hameedum majeed
This means:
This means: O Allah, send Grace and Honour on Muhammad (peace be upon him) and on the family and true followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) just as you sent Grace and Honour on Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and on the family and true followers of Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Surely, you are praisewort hy, The Great . O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad (peace be upon him) and on the family and true followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) just as you sent blessings on Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and on the family and true followers of Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Surely, you are praisewort hy, The Great .
1- What is the right sitting position in The second Tashahud ? : In the prayers like Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and 'eisha, in the last rak'a you should sit in a position called "Iftirash" click here to see how you can sit in this position ... but if you can't sit in this way you can sit as you feel comfortabl e ...
2-While reading : " Ash-hadu .......... to : Abduhu wa rasuluh" a person should raise the index finger of the right hand slightly and returt it previous position after he had finished saying it.
2-While reading : " Ash-hadu ..........
14-Salutio n of Peace (The Tasleem):
Next, The prophet (sallallaa
As-Salamu 'alikum wa Rahmatul lah
This means:
Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah.
Next, The prophet (sallallaa hu 'alaihi wa sallam) would salute to his left saying:
As-Salamu 'alikum wa Rahmatul lah
This means:
Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah.
How to make Wudhu correctly
The Right Way To Pray
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